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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Evacuation Plan

Do you have an evacuation plan? Chances are that if you are a black woman in a relationship or married you don't. The stats say that you need to have one.

In a nationally representative survey, 29% of African American women and 12% of African American men report at least one instance of violence from an intimate partner. 1
African Americans account for 1/3 of the intimate partner homicides in this country 2 and have an intimate partner homicide rate four times that of whites. 3
Black women comprise 8% of the U.S. population but account for 20% of the intimate partner homicide victims. 2

Between 1976-1999, intimate partner deaths among African Americans decreased by 67%. 2 Intimate partner deaths have decreased most dramatically among black men: from 1976-1984, black men were more likely than black women to be a victim of domestic homicide; by 1996, black women were 1.6 times more likely to murdered by their mates. 2

The Statistics on Domestic Violence Are Shocking

Domestic violence occurs in an estimated 4 million intimate relationships each year in the United States. We are now recognizing and dealing with the urgency and severity of domestic violence in cities from coast to coast. The statistics reveal that domestic violence is one of the most important public health problems in our country and it is time that we all address this issue. Consider the following findings:

The Surgeon General of the United States reports that domestic violence causes more injury to adult women than cancers, heart attacks, or strokes.
FBI statistics point out that a woman is battered every 15-18 seconds in the United States.
More than three million children witness domestic violence, and more than four million women are battered to death by their husbands or boyfriends each year.
Approximately one third of female murder victims in the United States are killed by their husband or boyfriend.

What is an Evacuation Plan ? A evacuation plan is a course of action designed to save and preserve your life. It sole purpose is to extract you, safely, incase there is a potentially life threatening event.

1. Don't isolate yourself from people and resources that can offer you assistance. ( Do not move more than walking distance from any hospital, policed area or place that can visibillyi hide yourself from harm )

2. Learn where your predator will not go and plan to go there.

3. Collect visible forensic evidence, photograph and record what you can safely.

4. Have a friend that your predator does not know.

5. Keep a bag packed at all times.

6. Keep two sets of identification and important papers, keys etc.... This is so IMPORTANT!

7. Save some money and have a bank account that your predator does not know about.

8. Have important data on separate hard drive accessible to you and you only. ( A back up to your back up).

9. Get a passport. Keep one on deck.

10. Take a self defense class without your predator knowing about it! No, excuses find a way.

11. Read Law 22 Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power. (Go to your local book store and read this excerpt form Robert Greene's Book "The 48 Laws Of Power". This passage could save your life, literally) You don't have to buy this book just read it right there.

12. Leave immediately, when you can!

13. Don't trust the predators family . Nine time out of ten their loyalty is conditional and strictly based off the quality of the the relationship you have with your predator. Remember: They are his family, not yours!

14. Trust your instincts! When that voice tells you that something ain't right . Know that it was put there as a proof that the divine is always with you act.

15. Keep the maintenance up on your car!

16. ONLY TELL WHO IS ESSENTIAL TO YOUR PLANS! Fight the urge to speak your life could depend on it. THE FEWER PEOPLE KNOW THE BETTER. Trust that most times your family members are plotting against you ,unbeknowst to even them, and their misplaced sense of caring can cost you your life. Don't let them talk you back in to HELL with the Devil.

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